By making full use of our services, the Client is guaranteed of the procurement and financial advice and control essential for obtaining value for money.
The design and construction of a building, civil or heavy engineering project’s is one of the most complex and difficult industrial undertakings. It requires management skills of a high in-depth knowledge base. The huge resources that are being put into it must have sound and disciplined financial control aimed at improving project performance and customer’s satisfaction. We also recognize that today’s client is sophisticated, discerning and extremely cost conscious.
CEP can and inevitably achieves benchmark objectives for Clients through the services it provides.
We have broadened our range of professional services beyond the traditional core of real estate, construction and civil engineering management to meet wider client needs. These include among others the following:
Feasibility Studies
Financial Analysis
Project Inspection & Monitoring
Investment Appraisals
Cost Control and Post Contract Management
Expert Witness Advice
Project Management and Co-ordination
Property & Asset Management
Value & Risk Management
Property Condition Appraisals
Security Management
Facilities Management.
Preparation of tender Documents
Advice on Contractual Agreement
Condition Surveys Arrangements
With initial sound preliminary cost advice, a realistic and holistic budget is prepared and with continuous advice and adequate cost planning, the Clients objectives and needs can be obtained and met within the budgetary constraints.
By advising on the most appropriate conditions of contract, suitable tendering arrangements and the competent right contractors for the job, the work can be carried out in the most efficient and economical manner.
With Bills of Quantities giving concise, comprehensive and accurate information the most favorable tenders may be obtained either by competition or negotiation and the contract placed on a sound financial basis.
With cost control and regular financial statements during the progress of work, unnecessary extra may be avoided and everyone may be kept informed of the financial state of the project.
Preliminary Cost Advice
This is given by the Quantity Surveyor at the very outset of a scheme, even before drawings are prepared. At this stage, such advice will indicate the probable region of cost of a proposed project, or it may consist of an assessment of what type and size of structure may be erected for any given expenditure. With this information, coupled with an assessment of maintenance and running costs, the Quantity Surveyor can assist his client in the preparation of a budget for the project.
Once preliminary drawings have been prepared, the Quantity Surveyor will prepare a more detailed approximate estimate taking into account the many factors, which influence cost e.g.
- location and nature of site and availability of service mains, shape, height and specification,
- use if industrialized components and methods,
- markets conditions at the time of preparing the estimate,
- probable variations in cost due to fluctuating conditions between the time of the estimate and the likely date of tender.
This cost advice enables design decisions to be made with full knowledge of their financial implications to the client. For example at an early stage the cost of a single or two Storey building can be compared with a multi-storey structure of the same floor area thereby allowing the Client to know all the cost implications before any decision are made.
Early cost information of this nature often enables a Client to make other financial decisions which would otherwise have to delay.
Cost Planning
Involves a systematic analysis of the structure, which enables the price for each constituent to be valued against its performance requirements.
Tender Documents
This enables each contractor tendering to estimate his price on exactly the same basis as his competitors.
Choice of Contract
The choice of the appropriate form of contract for any given project will depend on the nature of the project.
Obtaining Tenders
Tender for constructional work may be obtained either in competition or by negotiation.
Valuation of Work in Progress
Under most forms of building or engineering contract the contractor is paid each month for the work he has done during the preceding month
Cost Control
The Quantity Surveyor values these variations and reports their impact on the probable final cost, so that corrective steps may be taken elsewhere in the work
Final Account
The Quantity Surveyor’s duties end with the calculation of the final cost.
CEP Construction Economists Partnership Limited
Leading the path of cost efficiency with limitless potential